Apartment.We offers every comfort for guests travelling on business or leisure, provided with modern, fully-furnished studio flats located at Sai Ying Pun and Sheung Wan.

有利長期防疫身心健康,買家免佣,空氣流通,宜居家工作,交通方便,即買即住,罕有東南開陽, 能欣賞美麗日出日落,大露台陽光充足可種植, 冬暖夏涼,·裝修新淨,間隔實用,數分鐘到港鐵站,方便親近大自然,有管理低密度屋苑,約業主睇樓WhatsApp 54839115

公司簡介 發達行30週年:::研發創新三十載 達至興旺歲歲勝:::本公司憑著多年豐富經驗,定能為閣下提供中西式大小豪華遊艇,無論宴請商務貴賓或私人派對,海上婚禮或拍攝婚紗照片,以及船上放生等,能提供專業有質素之船上服務。另外,為配合男女老幼,增設快艇滑水、香蕉船、麻雀租賃等;船上提供專業的工作人員,更為舉辦婚禮之新人代訂花球;設有船上導賞員,讓閣下享受目不暇給的船上風光。本公司為船河自助餐,各式茶

Industrial& product design,prototype production,CNC machining,rapid prototyping,RP,SLA,color injection,2D/3D drawing,

Three-Bedrooms Suite/Apartment : HK$46,000 to HK$90,000 p.m. (INCLUDES management fee, government rates,
P物業地產 / 服務式住宅Presidential Apartments

Harmony Furniture 實木傢俬 木製傢俱 觀塘傢俬店

-Hung Hom -Seaview, open view -Top floor, sun lighting, spacious living room -80% new furniture -Gym, 2 swimming pools - 2 MTR 5 min walk -Continue lease till Mar 2021, renewable

Eurocave 5290 專業雙溫度調節酒柜, 頂級酒柜, 法國製造, 可存放162瓶酒 (96 紅/66 白), 電子兩區溫度調節: 白酒(6°C -12°C)/紅酒 (16°C – 20°C), 柜門有鎖, 響鬧系統(門沒有關好, 濕度出現問題, 柜內溫度太高或太低), 適合高級餐廳及愛酒家庭使用, 九成半新, 原價HKD36,000.

Harmony Furniture 專注於實木傢俬, 實木傢俱, 訂做傢俬, 訂製傢俬, 訂造傢俬, 度身訂做傢俬, 定做傢俬, 實木傢具, 實木家具, 胡桃木, 白橡木 紅橡木 櫸木 白蠟木等, 餐桌, 餐枱, 餐椅, 長凳, 梳妝台, 書枱, 凳, 茶几, 床頭櫃, 櫃等.

When Victorian men finished their dinner or dinner, they took off their formal attire and put on something more comfortable: a smoking shawl cardigan sweater. Among its many features, a simple differ

家居 / 傢俬電器維修aceinvestment1130

送pre-owned PEAVEY Bass Amp, 鼓棍, 即買即玩 大埔區自取, 任試. 此鼓主機部份運作100%正常, 收音部份如cymbal擦片等, 因屬損耗品, 音色當然不能和全新品比較, 合初學者練習
g音樂 / 器材買賣goldretr11


Service Apartments, Service Suites, Furnished Apartments and Hotel Apartments
P物業地產 / 服務式住宅Presidential Apartments

Far removed from the hubbub of family rooms and busy kitchens, the bedroom is the place where your day begins and ends. Trends come and go, and even now the furnitures of bedroom is evolving.
x家居 / 智能家居xpertgroup

商業 / 辦公室傢俬及設備aceinvestment1130

450平方尺工作室/ 辦公室 - 日間月租 $4,500-$10,000 - 位置便利 - 距離上環地鐵站僅1分鐘步行路程 - 明亮的翻新現代化辦公空間 - 提供免費WiFi - 免費使用茶水間包括咖啡機,雪櫃及微波爐 - 非常適合創業 - 鄰近餐館和酒吧 設備: 免費WiFi,牆身鏡子,高質音響設備,咖啡機,8座舒適沙發,32 電視,更衣室,獨立洗手間,茶水間,桌椅,微波爐,冷氣,飲品售賣 已包

全職DJ / 私人宴會 / 商業活動 / 狂歡派對 / Professional DJ service / Halloween / Cocktail / Christmas / Clubbing / Annual Dinner (查詢: 6332 3833 / Email: [email protected])
X表演藝術 / 承包商Xlarge Live
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